
UX & Service Design.

Agents of positive change

Everyone knows that Customer Experience is a cornerstone of digital transformation and a key driver of growth and competitive advantage.

Here's a hard truth: organizations focus too much on the word "customer" and not enough on the word "experience". The experience is something all parts of the organization can influence and impact. This is where UX and Service Design come in.

Whitespace is passionate about helping our clients shift their focus from the nebulous notion of customer-centricity to the more practical and proven path of becoming experience-led organizations.

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Building a design culture

At Whitespace, we leverage human-centered design to build B2C, B2B, and B2E solutions that stand the test of time and deliver measurable business value. We work with your stakeholders to create quality user experiences that foster trust with customers, partners, and employees.

Our approach helps business and IT teams focus on real user needs, which in turn leads to higher adoption rates, better NPS, revenue growth, greater market share, fewer support calls, and loyal customers. This approach takes much of the guesswork out of Agile while preserving its iterative spirit, proving that there is wisdom in going slow now to go fast later.

Whether you're a 100-year-old company or a 100-day-old startup, we can help you take your products and services to world-class levels of customer experience.

UX & Service design
With UX & Service Design, the front- and back-stage operations combine to create positive customer experiences and better business outcomes.

Talk to us about your Customer and Employee Experience initiatives.

Our work in
UX & Service Design

Qualitative Research

Ethnographic studies, interviews, contextual inquiry, shadowing

Quantitative Research

Surveys, A/B tests, observations, help desk analytics, usage metrics

Market Research

Quantitative and qualitative studies to highlight trends and estimate size

Benchmark Studies

Comparisons with competitive or analogous products and services

UX Maturity Assessments

Criteria-based assessments of UX maturity levels within an organization

Heuristic Audits

Comprehensive usability reviews and recommendations

Usability Testing

Task-based testing and analysis of ergonomics, functionality, and content

Service Reviews

Testing and analysis of end-to-end service flows to surface points of friction

Design Thinking

Workshops to align on vision, constraints, scope, and problem definition

Journey Mapping

Workshops to align on personas, user journeys, needs, and painpoints

Ideation Workshops

Exercises in creativity, open-mindedness, co-creation, and path selection

Information Architecture

Card-sorting and tree-testing to determine application structure

Content Strategy

Mapping content elements to the business goals they are intended to achieve

Process Modelling

Design and visualization of key process flows and system interactions

Service Blueprints

Design and visualization of key front-stage touchpoints and back-stage activities

Interactive Prototyping

Creation of low- and high-fidelity prototypes to test key functionality and flows

Design Systems

Strategic advisory services, as well as designed and coded components with documented guidelines

Visual Design & Branding

Creation of 2D, 3D, and motion design assets to communicate brand value

Data Visualization

Graphical representation of data to support decision-making and story-telling

Accessibility Engineering

Ensure WCAG compliance for disabled and neurodiverse users

From our portfolio

medical affairs speaking with HCPs
Empowering clearer insights and better decision-making in Medical Affairs
university campus
LMS heuristic review – a world-leading university never stops learning
lightbulb innovation
Establishing a robust innovation framework for a biostatistics team

Meet our expert


Nathalie Raux-Copin

Nathalie Raux-Copin

UX Director

Nathalie has over 20 years of experience building and managing creative teams, delivering UX services, and creating digital design systems. She is highly skilled in digital strategy, customer experience, service design, UI design, and behavioral science research.

Human-centered design helps shape our world for the better.

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